
The application reads the provided coo file into data matrix X (see data manipulation on how to structure such file). Then it the data into three non-negative latent factors, such that:

\[X \approx U S V^T\]


Serial configuration using one CPU core where both factorization ranks are 20.

crow -k1 20 data.coo

Using single GPU, number of iterations is set to 200 and factorization ranks are 20x30.

crow -g -k1 20 -k2 30 -i 200 data.coo

Example usage for 4-GPU run with 2x2 block configuration and factorization rank 20.

crow -g -b 2x2 -k1 20 data.coo

When the process is finished, you should have the following files in results directory:

  • U.npz - contains left factor matrix.
  • V.npz - contains right factor matrix.
  • S.npz - contains middle factor matrix.

Command line arguments

The following options can be set:

  • -b: block configuration, for example 2x2.
  • -e: calculate and print error function in each iteration.
  • -g: use this argument to run on GPUs. By default, only CPU cores will be used.
  • -i: maximum number of iterations, default is 100.
  • -k1: left factorization rank. Defines number of latent vectors of matrix U.
  • -k2: right factorization rank. Defines number of latent vectors of matrix V. By default, value of k1 is used.
  • -o: impose orthogonality in factors U and V. By default non-orthogonal NMTF will be used.
  • -p: parallelization degree, by default number of blocks equals to parallelization degree, but you can use parallelization degree smaller than the number of blocks. Useful to reduce memory requirements in GPU applications.
  • -s: use sparse data structures. Do not use this if the matrix density is larger than 10%.
  • -t: additional stopping criteria. By default, factorization will run for the number of iterations specified by -i. Available arguments are e4, e5, e6, e7. For example, when passing e6 parameter, the factorization stops after error function in two consecutive iterations changes for less than 10^-6.


  • Single argument specifies path to data file. You can also provide basename of data files that exist in data directory.