Setup guide

We recommend building and running CROW with docker to avoid recompiling libraries manually. If you want to install on host server directly, follow the Manual setup.

Before you use make you need to clone the repository crow git repository.

git clone && cd crow

The following command will install docker and copy crow executables. Depending on whether you have CUDA-enabled GPUs, it will also install nvidia-docker and CUDA toolkit.

make install

In case of any problems, check your dependencies and follow the requirements setup guide.

Docker containers

Start the container with provided crow-start command:


You can force CPU-only version on a system with GPUs available with crow-start cpu. Container will run in the background. You can check if the container is running with docker ps. You can stop the container with crow-stop command, or use specific docker commands (Tutorial).

Connect to a running container

Then connect to a container with either crow-exec, like this:


Alternatively, you can ssh into the container. For login, crow-ssh uses dedicated identity files that are located at ~/.ssh/crow and ~/.ssh/ The keys are generated during installation added to container’s authorized keys automatically.


You can login into container as admin like this:


Docker volumes

Crow docker images makes use of the following external volumes.

  • crow: path to the crow source code (for development versions).
  • data: path to directory with data, mounted read-only.
  • results: this is where the factorized data will be stored.
  • cache: path to directory, where the application stores intermediate files. Starting with empty folder, the cache can take several gigabytes, depending on your data so make sure that you have enough space on the partition. You can safely clean this folder, but note that it may take some time to process the data again.

By default, mount points for each volume points to a folder in the current working directory. Refer to the data section for more information on how to manage folders shared with the container. Any data not stored in shared folders will disappear when you stop the container.

Now, you can proceed to the Tutorial.

Non-sudo users

Users without administrator privileges need to be in docker group. Also, CUDA and nvidia-docker2 need to be installed on the host. You can manage containers with executables located in scripts folder (add it to your PATH). Once inside docker the container, follow the Tutorial on how to factorize your data.

Test run

After you have the environment up and running, you can use this command to test if everything works correctly.

crow-test -g

This command generates a small random dataset and tries to factorize it. The -g switch tells the test to use the GPUs.

Documentation for more in-depth benchmarks is found here Benchmark.

Supported platforms

This software has been developed and tested for Linux platform. The provided docker images should also work on other platforms. Follow the official instructions on how to set up docker environment for your platform.